The Ultimate Guide to Drive Profitability Using LTV
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Increase ROAS by 15%+ Guaranteed

Unlock the full potential of value-based bidding with real-time LTV

Ocurate's Machine Learning for real-time customer value (LTV) supercharges Google’s and Meta’s value-based bidding (VBB) technology, increasing return on ad spend (ROAS) by 15%+. These results revolutionize ad campaigns for most consumer brands.

Ocurate combines unique first-party customer data with deep ML to generate immediate customer value predictions, exceeding 90% accuracy. We seamlessly integrate with Google and Meta ad technology via the ads APIs, and train the platforms’ Value-based bidding (VBB) engine. As a result, customers are acquired at the ideal price point in the auction.

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What our customers are saying about Ocurate

Tassilo Festetics
CFO, Curology

"Ocurate technology has had a substantial and measurable impact on our bottom line. Based on our 2023 revenue data, no initiative we have seen has had anywhere close to a comparable effect on Curology's bottom line."

Ed Bailey
CTO, Good Clean Love

"Ocurate is paying off and will continue to over the next two quarters – and the next two years,” said Ed Bailey of Good Clean Love. “A third of my marketing budget was reallocated toward the predicted most valuable customers. The results have shown astounding ROI already, increasing our ROAS significantly."

Anonymous, VP Google
VP, Google

"We are focused on expanding the ads APIs to feed customer data back to our optimization engine. Real-time LTV is the most powerful example of this – brands that will be able to utilize our platform in that way will experience a game-changer in ROAS."

Josh Tepper
GM, Bally's

"This is fantastic, this is exactly what we've been missing for a long time because it helps us minimize our spends and maximize our returns from paid media."

Anonymous, VP Snapchat
VP, Snapchat

"Powering ad bidding with accurate and immediate customer value predictions is the future. All big platforms including Snapchat are focused on supporting technology like Ocurate that makes this possible."

Case Studies

Value-based optimization (VBO) with real-time LTV: Google and Facebook with eSalon
Achieved Result: 15% increase in LTV:CAC
Significance: 15% increase in first year gross profit from customer acquisition
Overall revenue impact: $150K Increase in annualized revenue from $3.9M to $4.4M
Read Their Success
Media spend optimization based on real-time LTV with Good Clean Love
Achieved Result: 19%+ increase in customer value
Significance: 19% increase in first year gross profit from customer acquisition
Overall revenue impact: $150K Increase in annualized revenue from $1M to $1.15M
Read Their Success
Value-based optimization (VBO) with real-time LTV: Google non-branded search with Curology
Achieved Result: 20%+ increase in ROAS (LTV:CAC)
Significance: 20% increase in first year gross profit from customer acquisition
For every $10M ad spend: $1.15M increase in the annual returns from $5.72M to $6.87M
Overall revenue impact: $4.88M increase in annual returns from ad spend
Read Their Success
Value-based optimization (VBO) with real-time LTV: CAC by 25% with Curology
Observed Lift: 25%+ increase in LTV:CAC
Significance: 25% increase in first year gross profit from acquisition media spend
Impact for every $10M ad spend: $1.43M increase in the annual returns from $5.72M to $7.15M
Read Their Success
Value-based optimization (VBO) with real-time LTV: Google and Facebook with eSalon
Achieved Result: 15% increase in LTV:CAC
Significance: 15% increase in first year gross profit from customer acquisition
Overall revenue impact$: 150K Increase in annualized revenue from $1M to $1.15M
Read Their Success
Media spend optimization based on real-time LTV with Good Clean Love
Achieved Result: 15%+ increase in LTV
Significance: 19% increase in first year gross profit from customer acquisition
Overall revenue impact$: 150K Increase in annualized revenue from $1M to $1.15M
Read Their Success
Value-based optimization (VBO) with real-time LTV: Google non-branded search with Curology
Achieved Result: 15%+ increase in LTV
Significance: 19% increase in first year gross profit from customer acquisition
Overall revenue impact$: 150K Increase in annualized revenue from $1M to $1.15M
Read Their Success
Value-based optimization (VBO) with real-time LTV: CAC by 25% with Curology
Achieved Result: 15%+ increase in LTV
Significance: 19% increase in first year gross profit from customer acquisition
Overall revenue impact$: 150K Increase in annualized revenue from $1M to $1.15M
Read Their Success

Optimize acquisition+

Optimize acquisition+


  • Ocurate identified high LTV prospects in real time
  • Tailored recommendations for first purchase (tint rinse)
  • Optimize acquisition channels
  • Tested against historic approaches


  • 96% LTV prediction accuracy during time of deployment
  • 104% Increase in ratio of high LTV customers acquired
  • > 1% Annualized revenue gain
Read Their Success

Optimize retention+

Optimize retention+


  • Ocurate’s LTV  insights recommended high-value customers weren’t impulse buyers
  • Segment: customers with High LTV
  • Ran A/B tests: Discount vs. Dog treat
  • Recommendation: Send dog treats two weeks after first purchase


  • 90% LTV prediction accuracy 
  • 12% Increase in LTV of High LTV customers
  • >3% Annualized revenue gain
Read Their Success

Optimize acquisition channels

Optimize acquisition channels


  • Use Ocurate dashboards week by week to learn what most efficient channels are based on real-time LTV
  • Redistribute resources over most efficient channels weekly
  • Rinse and repeat for two months


  • 98% LTV prediction accuracy during time of deployment
  • 19% Increase in High LTV customers
  • >13% Annualized revenue gain
Read Their Success

Optimize win-back campaigns

Optimize win-back campaigns


  • Build list of lapsed customers – customers who have not made a second purchase in the last six months
  • Segmented audience of lapsed customers and email subscribers by real-time LTV
  • Tested vs. control group


  • 94% LTV prediction accuracy during time of deployment
  • 75% Increase in LTV
  • 283% higher total order value
Read Their Success

Who needs our solution

Ocurate is a game changer for companies with sizable media budgets that want to optimize their ROAS based on customer value

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What does it take to get started?

Integration is seamless:

(1) Sales data shared

‍(2) API access to ad platform provided

(3) Ocurate pixel installed (one click) 

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How can Ocurate prove the ROI?

Ocurate proves ROI with an experiment. The control arm is the existing bidding strategy, the treatment arm is value-based bidding powered by Ocurate’s ML. The KPI is the difference in ROAS (customer value:CAC), leveraging the platform’s attribution through our integrations

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How does Ocurate's technology work?

This is made possible by three pieces of technology Ocurate has built:

1. Curated streams of website behavior data related to LTV for each client, collected by Ocurate’s Ocuboost automatically and fully anonymized

2. LTV predictions in real time based on this engagement and sales data, exceeding 90%+ accuracy for every individual. Details here

3. Real-time Integration into ad APIs through the click IDs, collected by Ocuboost

The power behind Ocurate’s solution: Real-time LTV

Get results in 90 days

We prove that we can increase your ROAS by 15%+ in 90 days or less.
Implementation is seamless and fully supported by our ML specialists

Unlock Top-Line Growth by Taking Action on LTV


Prioritize your conversion campaigns to focus on leads who will spend the most after conversion.


With Ocurate's customer-level churn metrics, you know which customers are worth retaining and winning back and which ones are not.

Predict Lifetime Value for Every Individual

Purchase history is in the past. Your growth and success is defined by the future with predicted LTV for every customer and lead.

Lifetime Value Just Got Upgraded with Revenue Upside

All customers are valuable, but they aren't equal in how much additional revenue they can generate for you. Find out who your most valuable customers are.

Strategically Grow Your Business

You have a 50-50 chance of accurately predicting your customers’ LTV where it matters most. Are you willing to wager your company's strategy on a coin toss?  

Learn how Ocurate can equip you to make better business decisions today.

Let's Talk


One-Click install Ocuboost™ to collect event stream data. We integrate with your current marketing stack via API, for example with Klaviyo, to combine all data sources


Share access to ads APIs


Sit back and watch your ROAS go up on the Ocurate Portal: If needed, dedicated scientists help you translate ROAS into business impact

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